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Logical framework (result matrix)

Logical framework’s data and indicator tracking

Logical frameworks are developed during the project/program design and appraisal stages, and are subsequently updated throughout the implementation, while remaining an essential resource for ex-post evaluation.

LogAlto’s Logframe module allows you to monitor the successes and impacts of the projects within your organization. The logical framework design interface allows you to easily create goals, outcomes, outputs and indicators. Furthermore, you can label the various items in the logframe with the vocabulary used by your organization or project. The various items can be rearranged and reordered with drag-and-drop.

Logical framework

How to Organize Logical Frameworks at Various Levels of Your Organization

Organizations can have multiple logical frameworks such as for the strategic plan, sector or programmes, to which different projects, each with their own logical frameworks, contribute. As such “higher level” logframes may share indicators and outcomes with the sub-level result frameworks. This is possible in LogAlto using “global” or “corporate” indicators and outcomes, as well as the use of shared indicator libraries.

m&e logframe


A key part of a logical framework is its indicators. An indicator, also known as a “performance indicator,” is a means for measuring the achievement of goals in outcomes and outputs. It can be qualitative or quantitative, and the wording should be neutral: they neither indicate a direction of change.

In addition to helping design logical frameworks or result frameworks, LogAlto offers means of controlling the quality of data captured by linking data collecting tools or data storage to the reporting, setting up indicator libraries and easily visualizing the information captured by your indicators with charts, tables and diagrams.

Disaggregated data

The logical framework includes the baseline and targets of each indicator. When appropriate, those targets can be disaggregated to include the relevant dimensions and categories such as: Gender, age, disability, locations, etc.

With LogAlto, you can not only easily define your own disaggregation, but you can combine them to best capture the multiple dimensions of your results.

result framework

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Request a demo to learn more about how LogAlto can help your ngo or nonprofit manage its result framework data.

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